
news/2024/11/12 21:00:43






with a as 
(select 1 as identitycode,'st_001' as stationid,'ip4_001' as ip4,'' as ip6, 1 as isipv4,20240615150101 as starttime,20240615150601 as endtime
union all 
select 1 as identitycode,'st_002' as stationid,'' as ip4,'ip6_001' as ip6, 0 as isipv4,20240615150601 as starttime,20240615150901 as endtime
union all 
select 1 as identitycode,'st_003' as stationid,'ip4_02' as ip4,'' as ip6, 1 as isipv4,20240615151301 as starttime,20240615151701 as endtime
union all
select 2 as identitycode,'st_004' as stationid,'' as ip4,'ip6_004' as ip6, 0 as isipv4,20240618150101 as starttime,20240618150601 as endtime
union all 
select 2 as identitycode,'st_005' as stationid,'' as ip4,'ip6_001' as ip6, 0 as isipv4,20240618150601 as starttime,20240618150901 as endtime
union all 
select 2 as identitycode,'st_006' as stationid,'ip4_07' as ip4,'' as ip6, 1 as isipv4,20240618151301 as starttime,20240618151701 as endtime)



with a as 
(select 1 as identitycode,'st_001' as stationid,'ip4_001' as ip4,'' as ip6, 1 as isipv4,20240615150101 as starttime,20240615150601 as endtime
union all 
select 1 as identitycode,'st_002' as stationid,'' as ip4,'ip6_001' as ip6, 0 as isipv4,20240615150601 as starttime,20240615150901 as endtime
union all 
select 1 as identitycode,'st_003' as stationid,'ip4_02' as ip4,'' as ip6, 1 as isipv4,20240615151301 as starttime,20240615151701 as endtime
union all
select 2 as identitycode,'st_004' as stationid,'' as ip4,'ip6_004' as ip6, 0 as isipv4,20240618150101 as starttime,20240618150601 as endtime
union all 
select 2 as identitycode,'st_005' as stationid,'' as ip4,'ip6_001' as ip6, 0 as isipv4,20240618150601 as starttime,20240618150901 as endtime
union all 
select 2 as identitycode,'st_006' as stationid,'ip4_07' as ip4,'' as ip6, 1 as isipv4,20240618151301 as starttime,20240618151701 as endtime)select b.identitycode,b.starttime as starttime,b.stationid as first_stationid,c.endtime as lasttime,c.stationid as last_stationid,c.ip4,c.ip6,c.isipv4 from 
(select identitycode,stationid,starttime,row_number() over(PARTITION by identitycode order by starttime) srn from a) b 
left join 
(select identitycode,stationid,ip4,ip6,isipv4,endtime,row_number() over(PARTITION by identitycode order by endtime desc) lrn from a) c
on b.identitycode=c.identitycode where b.srn=1 and c.lrn=1



cur.identitycode AS identitycode,
toUInt64(cur.first.2) AS firsttime,
toUInt64(cur.last.5) AS lasttime,
cur.first.1 AS firststationid,
cur.last.1 AS laststationid,
toUInt64(cur.last.2) AS ip4,
cur.last.3 AS ip6,
toUInt8(cur.last.4) AS isipv4
any(account) as account,
any(accounttype) as accounttype,
argMin(tuple(stationid ,starttime),starttime) AS first,
argMax(tuple(stationid,ip4,ip6,isipv4,endtime),endtime) AS last
FROM dwd_identity_base_cur_hour cur 




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面试官问:Kafka 会不会丢消息?怎么处理的?

作者:Java3y链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/628325953/answer/3281764326来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。面试官:今天我想问下,你觉得Kafka会丢数据吗? 候选者:嗯,使用Kafka时,有可能会有以下场景会丢消息 候选…

kafka 如何保证不重复消费又不丢失数据?

作者:Java3y链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/483747691/answer/2392949203来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。面试官:今天我想问下,你觉得Kafka会丢数据吗? 候选者:嗯,使用Kafka时,有可能会有以下场景会丢消息 候选…